
Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning 2010

In light of the shared research interests of the two communities, IEEE DIGITEL(International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning) and IEEE WMUTE(International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education) conferences 2010 will be held jointly in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Participants in both conferences will be able to interact and exchange ideas, which we hope will stimulate more exciting ideas for future research....

Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education 2010

The convergence of global adoption of smart phones integrating hi-quality media capture devices and trends in social networking, participatory media and cyber infrastructure provide remarkable opportunities for making mobile social media integral to distributed learning environments. We expect to see mobile social media, incorporating video, photos, social networking and communication capabilities to be one of the major new applications for the mobile web, and we welcome contributions that help advance visions, technologies, research and theories to better support learning and educational purposes. ......

International Conference on Computers in Education 2008

The 16th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2008, to be held  on October 27 through 31, 2008, will be a prospective and high quality international conference that provides a forum for exchange and interaction in employing the use of digital technology in education.....

Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning 2007

There is a rapidly growing interest in the design of digital games and intelligent toys for learning. Digital games use advanced computing, multimedia and Internet technology while intelligent toys are embedded with chips and sensors utilize wireless, mobile, and ubiquitous computing technologies. The game and toy designs that these technologies make possible integrate individual and social activities in new ways ......

Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006

The 8th ITS conference is going to be held in Taiwan on June 26 through June 30, 2006. Since the first one was held in Montreal in 1988, the conference of ITS has provided an excellent forum where researchers and practitioners of all fields of Computer Science and Human Learning can exchange their work, ideas, theories, experiments, techniques and applications ......

行動與無所不在數位學習研討會 2006

隨著無線網路與行動設備的進步實現了行動與無所不在的學習環境,生活環境週遭將漫佈著有計算能力之設備與網路,學習者與同儕、教師、家庭、與環境得以更緊密的互動, 瞭解行動與無所不在的計算環境在未來教學所面臨的挑戰以及如何支援學習,將有助於我們發現新的研究方向與實現一個無所不在學習的學習情境,本次研討會希望廣邀各界代表對於此領域有興趣的先進一同參與討論分享經驗。

Game Based Digital Learning 2006


Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005

The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference has become an internationally-recognized forum for the exchange of research findings related to learning in the context of collaborative activity and the exploration of how such learning might be augmented through technology.

Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education 2004

Emerging wireless and mobile technologies bring new opportunities for learners to be more intensely connected, either face-to-face or at a distance, and extend one's learning community to friends, teachers, mentors, parents, and beyond. Modern learning theories advocate many social aspects of learning such as discourse, communities of practice, collaborative learning, internalization of social process ......[more]

Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2001

第一屆 GCCCE 會議在廣州舉辦 ( 1997 ) ,第二屆在香港舉辦 ( 1998 ) ,第三屆在澳門舉辦 ( 1999 ) ,而第四屆會議是在新加坡舉辦 ( 2000 ) 。全球有四分之一的人口說中文,如今正處於新的千禧年的開始的我們,應該去思考且開始採取行動來建立一個華文的網路世界。在像這樣一個知識經濟急速前進的網際空間裡,如何藉由世界上不同社會與地區的共同合作及分享來滿足華文網路世界創造的議題等是需要被討論的 ......[more]

International Conference on Computers in Education 2000

ICCE 是由我國推向國際化的一項學術會議,該會前三屆在台灣舉行,分別由師範大學(1989)、淡江大學(1991)、中央大學(1993)辦理。在前三屆主辦學校的努力下,會議成果展現優良,深受國際人士的重視。 自第三屆之後成立 AACE(Association for the Advancement ofComputing in Education) 亞太分會( Asia-Pacific Chapter, APC),並由此分會主導,輪流由亞太地區之國家承辦 ......[more]